There are plenty of ways you can get involved in maintaining the beauty and sanctuary of the Lake District, even if you are just visiting for a week or two.
Check out these amazing Lake District organisations, that do so much for our wonderful landscape and wildlife, and be inspired to get outside and get your hands dirty this Summer!

Friends Of The Lake District
Friends of the Lake District is a membership organisation, that is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the Lake District landscape. You can become a member; join in with their many annual events, or join one of their volunteer work parties for some one off voluteering.
Some of their events this Summer include: a woodland wild-camp; Morecambe Bay ‘cross-bay walk’; dry stone walling training; a ‘bat-walk’, and much more. Find out more about their events.
You can also volunteer to do things like: path mending; tree planting; invasive species removal; dry stone walling, and lots of other fun, and helpful activities. Discover and sign-up to volunteer here.

Fix The Fells
Although Fix the Fells are not currently taking any more volunteers on at the moment, their work is certainly worth a mention.
Fix the Fells help to fix and maintain many of the high walking routes and paths that we love in the Lake District National Park. It’s hard graft, but someone’s got to do it, and this bunch of dedicated people work tirelessly to keep those paths you love to walk on, in good condition; as well as preventing the erosion of the surrounding landscape. You can find out more about the work of Fix the Fells, and help out here.

Lake District National Park
The national park aims to create a Lake District with prosperous economy, world class visitor experiences and vibrant communities, that all come together to sustain the spectacular landscape, its wildlife and cultural heritage.
Volunteering for the national park comes in many forms, you can see all of their recent vacancies here. Visitors to the Lake District can help sustain this amazing place in so many ways; by buying into the local economy; choosing local businesses over mega-retailers; paying for or donating at National Park sites, such as Brockhole, or donating online, to help maintain this wonderful visitor’s paradise.

The National Trust
No organisation is more synonymous with the Lake District, than the National Trust, who have been managing and maintaining land and historical properties in the Lakes since the very early 1900s.
From clean-ups, to welcoming visitors at one of their many locations across the Lake District National Park, The National trust offers many exciting volunteer opportunities.
They also have suggestions for ways in which tourists to the area can help protect the landscape when out and about.

Cumbria Wildlife Trust
The Cumbria Wildlife Trust is a voluntary organisation devoted to the conservation of wildlife and wild places in Cumbria. The Trust stands up for wildlife, creates havens for wildlife, and seeks to raise awareness of environmental issues.
There are tons of volunteering opportunities with the Wildlife Trust, including: species ‘hunters’, on the lookout for rare wildlife; species monitoring and recording; beach and mountain cleans, and much more – Find out the opportunities to get involved that are happening when you’re in the Lakes.
Have we missed one?
If you think there's a volunteer opportunity in the Lakes that we've missed, let us know!
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